mGM-CSF is produced in response to a number of inflammatorymediators by mesenchymalcells present in the hemopoieticenvironment and at peripheral sites of inflammation.It is able tostimulate the production of neutrophilic granulocytes,macrophages and mixed granulocyte-macrophage colonies from bonemarrow cells and can stimulate the formation of eosinophilcolonies from fetal liver progenitor cells.GM-CSF can alsostimulate some functional activities in mature granulocytes andmacrophages.GM-CSF receptors show significant homologies withother receptors for hematopoietic growth factors, includingIL2-beta, IL-3, IL-6, IL-7, EPO and the prolactin receptors. Thiscarrier-free product is a recombinant protein expressed in E.coli.
Ships ambient. Store frozen -20 to -10C.
*Single-unit price. For inquiries about this product,contact your sales representative.
2018年9月,医疗私人股本公司Belhealth Investment Partners投资双子座生物产品。由首席执行官戴尔•戈登(DaleGordon)领导的新的领导团队将带领公司进入激动人心的下一章。随着这项增长性投资,Gemini计划在2020年初前在萨克拉门托西部新建一座25000平方英尺的设施。